General terms

Affiliate program (AP) is a regulation, which serves as basis for calculation of discounts and partners rewards and the assignment of qualifications.

Structure of the Affiliate program

Affiliate program represents a stage plan of discounts and rewards with a system of additional bonuses.
The plan structure can be demonstrated as a ladder, the stairs of which represent the qualification levels of partner. The higher the qualification level, the higher the discount.

Affiliate Program
AP has five levels:
  • Partner is your first steps in business. It is a period of active learning, studying the product, acquisition of knowledge and business skills, attendance of weekly trainings.
  • Expert is a period of business formation. It includes acquisition of the ability to identify and “grow” leaders and obtaining skills in organizing structural activities.
  • Pro is a period when the acquired experience is transformed into professional skills. It is a creation of a “personal brand”.
  • Master is a period of your skills improvement. Knowledge and skills become qualities. It is an improvement of skills of building and managing structures. It is a promotion of the “personal brand”.
  • President’s adviser is a period of getting residual income for creating a self-stimulated and self-regulated business structures. It is a participation in company’s management.

Qualification is a result of partner’s carrier and indicator of his/her position in multi-level affiliate program. The company includes following qualifications: Partner, Expert, Professional (Pro), Master, and President’s advisor.

Partner is physical or juridical person that has registered on website of the Company, and that carries out his/her entrepreneurial activity without dependence on the Company.

Informational sponsor is a partner that has attracted a new partner to his/her structure himself/herself.

Structure is complex of all generations’ partners.

Generation represents partners that stay below their sponsor in the structure of informational sponsor. The first generation is a group of partners directly attracted by informational sponsor. The second generation is considered to be partners whose direct sponsors are partners of the first generation.

Consumer (client) is juridical or physical person that purchases products from company or partner for own needs, which are not connected with getting income. Partner can be consumer of products.

Personal volume (PV) is amount of personal purchases in retail prices for a period.

Group volume (GV) is amount of purchases made by partner and all partners of his/her structure for a period.

Accumulated group volume (AGV) is a total accumulated amount of purchases made by partner and all partners of his/her structure.

Membership discount (MD) is a fixed discount from purchases. It corresponds to qualification rank. Partner that has made purchase gets membership discount.

Affiliate remuneration (AR) is an accumulated discount from purchase, which is applicable to partners, staying vertically above, and it is calculated on basis of their membership discounts. It is not applicable to partner that has made purchase.

Affiliate bonus (AB) is income in percentage from purchase made by partner of your structure that has the same or higher qualification.

Reward for Recommendations (RFR) – fixed income of the orders from partners and clients who you personally invited . Every product had its own income scale , which is based on the points value.

Additional bonuses (AB) ) represent additional profit of partner assessed for fulfillment of certain conditions. Program of AB is published on the website of the company.

Personal annual activity (PAC) is annual increase of personal volume by certain amount.

Personal identification number (ID) is a special code assigned to each partner.

Leader is the most successfully active partner that successfully develops turnover, width and depth of his/her structure.

Conditions for participation in affiliate program

Partner’s status can be got after registration on the website of the company and making purchase. Partner’s status provides right to purchase products, benefiting from discount in accordance with a qualification level.
It is necessary to make agreement with the company to provide services on behalf of individual entrepreneur or juridical person for calculation and payment of affiliate remuneration and bonuses at the full implementation.
To confirm the participation in the affiliate program in terms of obtaining bonuses and rewards, the personal volume of partner for year must be at least 115 points.

Discounts and rewards

Within the AF, partner can receive several types of income:

  • Affiliate Discount is a discount for personal purchases.

Affiliate Program
  • Affiliate reward. It is a profit in form of a percentage from purchases of partners of your structure (personally invited) calculated based on the difference between your discount and the discount of a personally invited partner; and profit equaled to your membership discount in form of percents from sales to client from company’s website made by your recommendation or internet link.
Affiliate Program
  • Reward for a recommendation is a fixed income from personal orders of a personally invited partner or client. Each product has its own RFR (reward for the recommendation) size.
Affiliate Program
  • Affiliate bonus is an income in form of a percentage from the sales of a partner from your structure equal to the qualification. For all the qualifications, there exists a general rule: membership reward is not assigned to partner, having equal or higher qualification. In this case, affiliate bonus is assigned; it is a profit in form of a percentage from sales made by a partner of your structure. This profit is divided among the partners that stay above this partner and that haven’t got affiliate rewards.
Affiliate Program
  • Additional bonuses.

When certain qualifications are achieved and certain conditions are fulfilled, partner gets valuable gifts as manifestation of his/her accomplishments and merits.